So the other day I got this spam e-mail in my inbox from somebody attempting a cleverly reworked version of the old Nigerian Bank Scam. You know the type; I would post the e-mail but the wording is always so choppy that they are annoying to read. They always say something about having tens of millions of dollars that need to be received through you as a silent partner. Only this one is clever because they are supposedly giving you an account number in the e-mail. While reading it, I recalled another spam e-mail I got recently that was from a fake banker in Australia. After a quick check of recently deleted spam, I found that the two e-mails are likely from two different people attempting the same scam. So I get the bright idea to mess with these people with a plan that is basically fighting fraud with fraud.
I first started off by sending the fake South African banker the e-mail I received from the fake Australian banker. Then I sent to the fake Australian banker the e-mail I got from the fake South African banker thereby making myself a liaison of sorts between two fake bankers. I had also upped the ante in each e-mail to a $5 BILLION dollar cut of a total $15.6 BILLION dollar “endangered” account. Obviously they both thought they had hit the motherload of e-mail fraud victims as they replied very quickly.
Despite the extreme stupidity that I realized was being displayed in getting myself involved in a situation that might implicate me in the fraud, I nonetheless decided to continue since I rationalized that I was actually doing both of them a favor by putting the two mutually interested parties in contact with each other. Both “bankers” replied by sending requests for personal information. No big deal, I expected that. The difference was the South African “banker” insisted an account be opened in South Africa, whereas the Australian “banker” insisted that the other opens a local account. Which theoretically meant that they could use the same bank. So they apparently weren’t working the scam after all which I hoped would have some interesting or humorous outcome.
I then proceeded by relaying the replies to each party which led to the South African supposedly opening an account under the Australians name with the South African bank. The South African had difficulty decoding the account number that the Australian claimed was coded with the “world standard” for bank security software. Incidentally the coded account number “واحد اثنان ثلاثة أربعة خمسة ستة سبعة ثمانيه تسعة عشرة ” is actually Arabic words spelling out the numbers one through ten. The Australian had just as much trouble while trying to locate the NBSA bank of South Africa as there seems to be no such financial institution.
I would like to say that something funny happened at this point, or there was some interesting revelation about the way that online scam artists work, but I can’t. After not having any success with their intended victims through a tactic of rushing them to do something quickly without thinking, they basically just gave up and looked toward their next possible victim. This was just very anticlimactic. I even feel like I have been cheated out of an enjoyable experience. How dare they leave me high and dry like this?! They owe me some material that I can make fun of in a blog!
I first started off by sending the fake South African banker the e-mail I received from the fake Australian banker. Then I sent to the fake Australian banker the e-mail I got from the fake South African banker thereby making myself a liaison of sorts between two fake bankers. I had also upped the ante in each e-mail to a $5 BILLION dollar cut of a total $15.6 BILLION dollar “endangered” account. Obviously they both thought they had hit the motherload of e-mail fraud victims as they replied very quickly.
Despite the extreme stupidity that I realized was being displayed in getting myself involved in a situation that might implicate me in the fraud, I nonetheless decided to continue since I rationalized that I was actually doing both of them a favor by putting the two mutually interested parties in contact with each other. Both “bankers” replied by sending requests for personal information. No big deal, I expected that. The difference was the South African “banker” insisted an account be opened in South Africa, whereas the Australian “banker” insisted that the other opens a local account. Which theoretically meant that they could use the same bank. So they apparently weren’t working the scam after all which I hoped would have some interesting or humorous outcome.
I then proceeded by relaying the replies to each party which led to the South African supposedly opening an account under the Australians name with the South African bank. The South African had difficulty decoding the account number that the Australian claimed was coded with the “world standard” for bank security software. Incidentally the coded account number “واحد اثنان ثلاثة أربعة خمسة ستة سبعة ثمانيه تسعة عشرة ” is actually Arabic words spelling out the numbers one through ten. The Australian had just as much trouble while trying to locate the NBSA bank of South Africa as there seems to be no such financial institution.
I would like to say that something funny happened at this point, or there was some interesting revelation about the way that online scam artists work, but I can’t. After not having any success with their intended victims through a tactic of rushing them to do something quickly without thinking, they basically just gave up and looked toward their next possible victim. This was just very anticlimactic. I even feel like I have been cheated out of an enjoyable experience. How dare they leave me high and dry like this?! They owe me some material that I can make fun of in a blog!
So now go and open your own account here and become a member of the community.
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