Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Even if you refuse to choose, you still have made a choice

The important thing to remember about any election is that no matter what the politician says, they are just lying. So even if your candidate doesn't win, it really doesn't matter. I mean its not like the other side will get what they were promised either.
So, I know what you're thinking. Why even bother voting?
Simple. So we don't end up with some goof ball like Ralph Nader as president.
So you're probably wondering that if both viable candidates are liars anyway, then what's the difference who I vote for.
And the answer is, you want to vote for a vice presidential wang. That's right. The most pressing issue today is clearly the united states vice president's diplomatic relations with Iran since fixing: the economy, health care system, social security system, tax reform, national debt, and trade deficit will be a waste of time if Iran just ends up annihilating us with a nuclear attack.
So what does Joe Biden's wang have to with this? Simple. Condeleza Rice has already proven that a womens efforts over there are absolutely futile since the towel heads still consider women to be more like property than like people. Which means that if we expect McCain's MILF to talk the Iranians out nukeing us, then it will definitely end up bad for everyone. So in other words, Joe Biden's wang can save the world from a nuclear holocaust. I bet it can also pronounce the word nuclear better than the retard that lives in the White House.
So therefore, let me make this last minute campaign stump before todays voting. Vote Joe Biden's wang for vice president. Unfortunately the anti-christ has to be voted in as president at the same time. But at least this way we can enter into the end times as a country that doesn't glow in the dark. Well, my thumbs are starting to hurt so I better stop this.
Your sensei has spoken.

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