Tuesday, August 12, 2008

100 Beers in 100 Days - Why Did The Beer Odyssey Come From The East? The Cypress Tree In The Garden.

Day 28 - Tsingtao (pronounced ching-dow)

Today the beer odyssey brings us to the Shandong (pronounced wang-dong) region of China to try Tsingtao Beer. Tsingtao Beer is a super happy golden lager. It is made from people who have been up the Yellow River (or at least once in the 80's, but they did not like it). It has a faint smell of Beijing smog with a flavor that is as cheap as Chinese made merchandise. It was an average lager where all the ancient Chinese brewing secrets were obviously discarded in the making of this beer. I will rate it a 5 on the beer scale. [insert gong sound here]

So now bow to your sensei and then go drink a few with your friends at Humor-Blogs.com

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