Monday, October 20, 2008

100 Beers in 100 Days - Day 95

Day 95 - Pete's Wicked Strawberry Blonde

Announcer: "Leave It To Beaver [Theme music starts] Starring Hugh Beaumont...June Lockhart...Tony Dowel...and Arpeggio Andy as...The Beaver."
Beaver: "Hey Wally, look what I got. It's a bottle of Pete's Wicked Strawberry Blonde.
Wally: "Aw gee Beav, you shouldn't be drinking that. Don't you know that's beer. Kids shouldn't drink beer."
Beaver: "But gosh Wally, it's got a yummy strawberry soda flavor, and a real neat-o fizz. Why would sombody make something that would only appeal to kids if kids weren't suppossed to drink it. Next thing you're gonna tell me is, I shouldn't be smoking marijuanna with these cherry flavored rolling papers." [Pre-recorded laugh track]
Wally: "Well gee Beav, I guess you're right. Let me try a swig of that...and then a hit of that. Hey, those taste real good together, just like a fruity flavored gangsta rapper starter kit."
Beaver: "Yeah, now we're rollin' wit a forty and some chronic."
Wally: "Word."
Beaver: "Straight up B-otches. I think I will rate this a 5 on the beer scale."

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