Tuesday, September 23, 2008

100 Beers in 100 Days - Day 70

Oh my God! I can't believe I have been doing this for 70 days. Heck, even Jesus didn't stick with anything more than 40 days! OK, back the odyssey.
Carta Blanca

Well beer heads, it's just you and me this evening. Iron Chef is out at the salon getting her hair doo all done up. No, no don't worry about me, I am well fed this evening. Iron Chef pre-made some meat ball hoagies last night for me to eat this evening for dinner. (Damn, am I that spoiled!) Well anyways today we are drinking a beer called Carte Blanca which is named after some French champagne. Believe it or not I actually knew there was a champagne named Carte Blanche. (See, I'm not the clod-hopper you all thought I was.) It's made in Monterrey Mexico by the Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma Brewery. (I didn't know that though. I can't even spell that. I had to copy and paste it from wikipedia.) Have you ever drank Miller High Life? The beer that calls itself "The Champagne of Beers". Well thankfully it's nothing like that! Granted, it's not that 'God sent from Heaven' stuff the Monks make in Belgium, but I can definitely say that I prefer this to Budweiser. I will rate this a 6 on the beer scale.

Viva La Cerveza!

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