Friday, September 12, 2008

100 Beers in 100 Days - A Womens Point of View

Day 59 - Traquair Jacobite Ale

Today Beer heads we find ourselves in a brewery located in the oldest inhabited house in Scotland. Originally used as a hunting lodge for Scotlands royalty, the Traquiar is now the home of a pure malt beer called Traquair Jacobite. Which is of course a very suck-y name because it would be absolutely impossible for a drunk person to pronounce it correctly. Suck-y name aside, this is a real nice beer. Iron Chef said it was fruity with a strong coriander flavor. She and Grand Tetons liked that it was "lighter like pop" even though it had a dark color like heavier beers. Grand Tetons said it tasted like pumpkin pie smells, and The professor "Magellan" said it had a taste that reminded her of black licorice. The Professor "Magellan" and Iron Chef thought it also reminded them of when they would eat two different flavors of bottle caps candy at the same time. I couldn't really find the words to describe this beer so I figured I would let the ladies comments say it all. I think they would rate it a 7 on the beer scale.
So now go drink a few with your blogging friends.

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