Aye Beer Heads! It's GroondsKepper Willie here to talk aboot Tennents Scottish Lager. Yuu think yuu know watt gyood beer is. Yuu think Budweiser is gyood beer? It's time to take yuu to schyool. Yuu dyon't know watt gyood beer is until yuuv had Tennents. And I shyood know. There's nary a gyood beer thyat can escape a greased Scotsman. Dyon't lessen tuu that bath-takin underwear-wearin' lily of a blogger Andy because he would just give it a 4 on the beer scale because it has the same booty smell that Hyeinekin has.
Now go drink a bottle with all of your blooger friends!
OMG. Aren't you drunk yet?
60 days? Really? I don't think I could drink anything for that many days in a row.
Wow, I feel oddly compelled.
Heh. Nice review, Willie!
Willie definately knows his shit when it comes to tramp juice and renal failure.
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