Friday, May 4, 2007

A Social Experiment

There were alot of people on the web that said that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would treat the Don Imus situation differently if it was about a Black person making a slur about a white person. So I thought, maybe we should give them the benefit of the doubt. Has any white person ever contacted them about the reverse situation? So I sent the following e-mail to the office of Jesse Jackson.

Dear Rev. Jackson,

I have been following your Christian work for many years and I am a strong supporter of your work to end all Civil Rights violations in the World. I know you have been involved with issues around the Cincinnati area in the past that involved Cincinnati Police officers and innocent citizens. I feel it is my Christian duty and moral obligation to inform you of a personal experience I had with a Cincinnati Police officer targeting my wife on account of her skin color. In the specific incident that I am referring to, the officer harassed my wife by throwing a roll of clear packing tape at her while pointing out her ethnicity. I feel that the degradation of my wife based on her skin color would be a prime opportunity for you to revisit the Cincinnati area to address this new Civil Rights case.

Thank you for your continued efforts to end racism.


The story above is totally true. But, what I didn’t mention is the fact that not only have my wife and this officer been good friends for about 15 years, but they are the opposite color that one would presume from the above e-mail. I also didn’t mention that the officer only called her a “White Woman” and that he only had possession of a tape roll because my wife threw it at him, thereby hitting him in the head. I don’t necessarily get it, but they just laugh and have the best time when they are like that. Basically, I made the e-mail race neutral to insinuate that race should never matter.

Please notice the form letter nature of the re-written first response. I should probably give a shout out to for the free law dictionary I needed to decode these. I should also tell you that I removed names or put things into my own words to make this post less crappy.

Dear ,

We at the this organization are absolutely outraged by such abhorrent behavior of an officer of the law in Cincinnati .

(Blah, blah, blah.)

The Reverend Jesse Jackson will gladly represent your Civil Rights case before Local Police Precinct upon receipt of your official request.

(Blah, blah, blah.)

Please send a processing fee of $250.00USD to our organization along with a letter that outlines the full details of your Civil Rights violation case.

Blah, blah, blah.

(The small print included this)
Please be advised that the Plaintiff Party will be required to provide full reimbursement of all travel and lodging costs of The Reverend Jesse Jackson’s visit.

Please note the annoyed ambiance and non-form letter style of the re-written second response.

Dear Mr. ,

After reviewing your Civil Rights case, we were unsuccessful in finding any documented evidence of the incident within the court house records.

(More blah, blah, blah than you would think possible.)

The services of the "public figure in question" this organization represents are strictly for the use of everyone but you honkys.

(Blah, blah, blah that clearly moves in a very bad direction for me.)

You may never use the name of “the public figure in question” at the request through this letter. We are now going to lie and tell you that reprinting a true previously written letter by or about “the public figure in question” is against the law. Then we will tell you how many lawyers work for this organization that will definitely take your butt to court if you use our name.

And there was actually more but I preferred to delete the e-mail rather than finish reading it.

So, I guess “the public figure in question” doesn’t care about equality. He just cares about making a buck off Black People.

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